I’ve been invited to submit an essay to Tech and a Living World: Media, Innovation, and Sustainable Futures
edited by Emily Gillcrist (Vital Thought) and Jamie Cohen (Digital Void). It will be published by Routledge in 2024.

Good news, everyone! Published: part 2 of my Open Lunar Foundation research fellowship, Lunar Spaceport Architectures and Design Spaces in which I explore this critical piece of lunar infrastructure and define a space for future engineering work.

Interesting news! Today, a quarter-sized piece of Marsha-α (the 1:3 scale structural prototype) launched into Space aboard the X-37B, the U.S. Air Force autonomous space shuttle. The material sample will be exposed to the Space environment and be returned to Earth for study.
Great news, everyone! I have joined Blue Origin as Senior Space Architect. As part of Advanced Development Programs,
I work with mission architects, system eningeerers and subject matter experts in all spaceflight subsystems
including life support, pressure vessels and ISRU. I am deeply involved in
CONOPS development, habitation ecosystem design, architecting of
habitable elements and detailed design of associated systems and
subsystems.Wish me luck.
I spoke at the Pratt Insititute’s Consortium for Research & Robotics on his portfolio of designs.
The Consortium, founded by Mark Parsons, is a space in the Brooklyn Navy Yard that joins together education and
industry for technology-driven research, small business incubation, and
community STEM programs. 2019-12-12
The Age of AI | The 'Space Architects' of Mars
Youtube Originals documentary, The Age of AI, which features myself and my team at SpaceFactory, has been released! The film crew came to document our efforts to take the take the top prize at the NASA 3D Printed Habitat Challenge in Peoria, IL. I designed the habitat and led the prototyping effort, which achieved 91.5% construction automation. We were featured in episode 5. The film is hosted by Robert Downey Jr.
I have been awarded the Premio Ciudad for Mejor Solucion Innovadora (Best Innovative Solution) for the design of Marsha. The award came during the 5th OpenHouse Madrid Congress, where I presented my work on invitation.
I joined Open Lunar Foundation as a Research Fellow. Open Lunar Foundation is a global non-profit shaping plans, policies and applications for a peaceful, cooperative lunar future. They are using agile engineering activities to support and advance standards, cooperation and precedent setting. My fellowship focuses on lunar spaceports are critical shared infrastructure. I will be co-presenting my research at ASCE Earth&Space 2020 in Seattle, WA.
The Index Project just named Marsha a winner of the 2019 Index Award. This was a truly unexpected recognition.
The award carries a $100,000 prize.

Notable past winners include: LifeStrawTM (2005), Tesla Roadster (2007), Kiva (2009), Hövding (2011), Raspberry Pi (2013), The Ocean CleanUp Array (2015) and Zipline (2017).
We did it! AI SpaceFactory has won the finale of the 3D Printed Habitat Challenge! 
With a talented 5-person team that I led, AI SpaceFactory won the finale of the 3D Printed Habitat Challenge with “Marsha”. We didn’t win at every stage, placing 2nd in design level 1 and 2nd in construction level 2, but ultimately came out on top, literally: at 15ft, Marsha stood as the tallest ever (to my knowledge) polymer-based continuos 3D print. This involved putting together a robotic system that would print a large structure with as little human intervention as possible.
Penn State challenged us and although their throughput was higher, their system was lower fidelity and [more] prone to error and human intervention making it less than ideal for extra-terrestrial construction. But don’t be mistaken: ours is not the final solution. Extra-terrestrial construction technology is in its infancy, even if it appears far along. Martian and Lunar conditions would devastate terrestrial concrete and polymer techniques like the ones we demonstrated! But I'm not worried about it bc these are solvable problems. I know what I’m doing now will look quant one day soon.
Caterpillar was a stellar host. I hope to build+destroy a new prototype there again. Marsha, weighing 3K lbs at avg thickness of 1.125” forced CAT’s 90+ ton excavator off the ground, shocking the crowd. The CAT crew helping us crush it down for recycling it into Tera, an eco-home you'll be able to stay in via AirBnb.
It's been a wonderous ride since Phase 1’s 1st place for “Mars Ice House.” With Marsha, victor or not, my experience grew beyond notional architectural design into my dream: new worlds on new worlds.

Good news, everyone! AI SpaceFactory has met all of the requirements to compete in the 3D-Printed Habitat NASA Centennial Challenge: Phase 3 - Construction Level 3 – Subscale Habitat Competition! We are one of only a few teams left standing. We will try to put on a good show. The competition is open to the public on its fourth day, in which habitat prototypes will be crushed by a Caterpillar excavator!
Good news, everyone! AI SpaceFactory was endorsed by NASA with a top prize of $88,353.30 in the NASA and Bradley University sponsored 3D Printed Habitat Challenge for its successful demonstration of autonomous construction of MARSHA, a visionary proposal for a Martian surface habitat previously awarded a top prize in July 2018. The competition asks teams to design and build a habitat for a crew of four astronauts on a mission to Mars using structural principles and construction techniques enabled by 3D printing technology. I lead the team’s design and construction efforts.We were one of only four teams awarded among six who submitted entries, placing 2nd overall on the basis of 3D-printed samples that were tested for their ability to hold a seal, for strength and for durability in temperature extremes. In contrast to other teams, which used concrete as their construction material, we formulated their own material – a “Martian polymer” that can be made from matter found or grown on Mars. Our polymer was validated by a third-party lab and proven to outperform concrete in most relevant metrics including superior tensile and compressive strength, superior durability under extreme temperatures and higher ductiliy.We have updated Marsha's design with lessons learned from our prototype.
Watch our new video, which explains how:
AI SpaceFactory’s Marsha effort continues to be met with success - now in construction. NASA has officially validated our technology by qualification into Construction Level 2 of Phase 3 of the 3D Printed Habitat Challenge!2018-11-10
My presentation titled “Marsha - Our Vertical Martian Future” was awarded Best Paper at New Worlds Space Settlement Symposium.2018-11-02
I was selected as a Featured Alumnus by Northeastern University. I obtained my undergraduate degree from Northeastern University’s School of Architecture.2018-07-24
Good news, everyone! NASA has officially endorsed Marsha with a prize of almost $21,000 for its visionary proposal for a 3D printed vertical Martian habitat. The prizes marks the conclusion of the first level of Phase 3 of the 3D Printed Habitat Challenge. I lead the team at AI SpaceFactory, an architecture and technology company based in New York.